Divinatory Meaning:
Conquest, triumph, strong love or hate, conquest, and the birth of a hero.
The Ace of Swords in this position advises you to be steady--you are about to reach your objective. There may be no need to hesitate. Just concentrate on making your impact. This could be your moment. The arrow is pointed straight at the target. Your eye is keen, your grip is firm. Let that arrow fly! If you set aside distractions and hit your mark, you will be rewarded with insight and clarity.
Remember that this is not the time to hold back, worrying about the consequences. When you access this level of truth, you are very likely to cut through all illusion and nonsense.
The Ace of Swords reversed suggests that you are not allowing yourself to see the one thing that matters most. You may be using reason to create obstacles, rather than cut through them.
Stop clinging to illusions. Look again at your biases, the preconceptions you bring to situations. Ask yourself how you could represent circumstances in a less self-serving manner and perhaps get a better outcome. Reexamine your perspective so you can help break down barriers.
Divinatory Meaning:
Tension, indecision, balance, and stalemate.
The Two of Swords in this position advises that this may not be a good time to make a decision. Do not allow others to push you beyond your boundaries or permit yourself to act impulsively. You need to fully assimilate the situation before making any moves -- even if not having a solution as soon as you want causes tension.
Have patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action. This, however, is not one of them. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn't come in yet.
When the Two of Swords is reversed, it suggests creative disagreements that can lead to the realization that two heads are better than one. You have the capacity to create synergy or at least provide common ground where argument once prevailed.
It is precisely the moment when you think that you are absolutely right, that you need the views of others the most. Rather than think you have all the answers, gather input and feedback.
Divinatory Meaning:
Tears, separation, quarreling, absence, pain, removal, and delay
The Three of Swords in this position advises you to strike out on your own. Become more independent. Separate yourself from people and forces you do not feel compatible with. Grow a thicker skin.
Use your creativity and imagination and seek out situations where the way you see things makes sense to those around you. Move towards those who can embrace and appreciate your talents and all you have to contribute.
The Three of Swords reversed suggests that a storm is clearing, feelings are mending, communication skills are improving, and accusations and paranoia are diminishing. The necessity of conflict seems to be draining away, a change that is worth being grateful for, even though some challenges may still arise from this episode.
Divinatory Meaning:
rest, banishment, relaxation, and release
The Four of Swords in this position strongly urges that you keep your own counsel in this situation. There may be too much fear and hostility in the environment for you to be heard. It might be that your ideas are not ripe enough or that you are not ready to listen to feedback from others.
If you spend more time in contemplation, you may successfully disregard the emotional occupations and biases of others. For now, closely observe inner events. The time for sharing will come later.
The Four of Swords reversed suggests that even though solitary contemplation can be a great pleasure, it should be balanced with appropriate interpersonal communications. Isolation in this situation can, in some cases, be counterproductive.
It may be necessary to seek help or counsel to intervene with an energy-draining pattern. Try to supply yourself with enough human contact, preferably of a therapeutic or, at the very least, a supportive kind, so if you get stuck in an emotionally painful position, you will have a safety net in place.
Divinatory Meaning:
Failure, defeat, degradation, conquest, unfairness, slander, cruelty, cowardliness.
The Five of Swords in this position advises you to prepare yourself for disappointment over how your peers are setting their priorities. People around you may be using current events to act more selfishly.
Try not to be too quick to anger or jump to conclusions. Just because others may have a pessimistic sense of the world, their reality does not have to undermine yours. There is certainly no point in struggling or competing with them. Your challenge now is to learn how to sidestep confrontation and evoke a more evolved response from people. At the very least, be assertive about setting boundaries for yourself.
The Five of Swords reversed suggests that you are finally gaining some mastery over competitive or combative impulses. This suggests that you may be outgrowing tendencies toward being automatically judgmental or critical.
If this is true, you are successfully letting go of that part of your personality that tends to magnify others' flaws and weaknesses. Much to your credit, you are using your life force in a more creative and positive way.
Divinatory Meaning:
betterment, future, success, and recovering anxieties
The Six of Swords in this position reminds you that time is of the essence. You've seen the big picture, and good ideas have occurred to you about what needs to be done. Now it is necessary to take action. There may be no more time for debate.
If the game plan has become clear, your next step could be to commit yourself to pursuing changes that will lead to improvement. Overcome the tendency to get distracted. You do not have time for approval seeking. Once you initiate action, others will be grateful for your clear thinking and quick reflexes. It's a special gift to be able to navigate in times of rapidly changing and unpredictable circumstances.
When the Six of Swords is reversed, you are not using your rational, scientific, systematic, logical mind to its fullest potential. As a result, you are compromising your objectivity and limiting your perception of possibilities in the situation.
Make an effort to regain objectivity and confirm your original goals. Try moderating your emotions while increasing mental discipline and focus; this will enable you to return to the fruitful pursuit of your plans.
Divinatory Meaning:
Success, preparation, theft, quarrels, and espionage
The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that deep within you, you already know exactly what has to happen. You know what steps to take and what order to take them in to bring about a desirable outcome in this situation.
You may have enough of an overview to see how to advance through the maze and achieve your goal. Continue to envision unobstructed success. Even as the path you are walking changes and the circumstances around you obscure your view, keep the desired outcome clear and sharp in your mind. You will quite likely reach your goal and gain tremendous self-esteem in the process.
When the Seven of Swords is reversed it reminds us that even heroic effort sometimes does not fully succeed or goes unappreciated. If you have done the best you could do and responded to the calls of conscience appropriately, you are still a noble soul.
When situations resist being helped, don't blame yourself for setbacks. At least you know in your heart that you gave it your best effort.
Divinatory Meaning:
restriction, imprisonment, bad news, violence, and sickness
With the Eight of Swords in this position, it reminds you that every setback is a learning experience. There is no outcome that can be guaranteed, but an open mind and an optimistic attitude will serve you better in the face of surprising developments.
Be willing to make the rigorous effort that is being asked of you. Perform wholeheartedly, with good faith and hopefulness. Doing this will help you prevail against negative forces and overcome the demons of doubt and resistance. Get excited about your challenges and be confident that you have what it takes to improve the situation.
When the Eight of Swords is reversed, there is a tendency to rationalize, justify and project blame onto others. Be sure that you are not doing this. Have better judgment over yourself and take responsibility.
Focus your inner dialogue and your conversations with others on what you can do to produce positive change. Inspire others to see the high ground and join you there. You can't complain about the bad attitudes of the people around you if you have one too.
Divinatory Meaning:
Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, and despair.
The Nine of Swords in this position advises you to confront your fear of being alone and acknowledge the different limits you may have put on yourself because of that fear. In the name of being safe, you may have adhered to lower standards than you are capable of achieving. If so, then you may have resisted striking out on your own. Perhaps you have bargained away creativity and joy in order to avoid being challenged. These kinds of tradeoffs never work.
This could be a time to cut your losses. Think of this as an opportunity to heal as you shed a heavy burden that has weighed you down.
When the Nine of Swords is reversed, it generally indicates an opportunity to wake up from a long dark period of depression and negativity. This long dark period is becoming illuminated by optimism.
You are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. This is a tremendous breakthrough, and it's a blessing when you turn negative thinking around -- with the power of renewed hope and optimism.
Divinatory Meaning:
pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation, and death
The Ten of Swords in this position advises that you lay low for a while. Don't make a move. Keep yourself as safe as possible until the drama, even the possible trauma, plays itself out. Once the turmoil dies down, then you can assess the damage and start to make repairs.
In the face of such unpredictability, protect yourself, hope for the best, and wait it out. Sometimes, an extreme turn of events serves as a pressure relief valve for all the unexpressed and unresolved energy that had been building up. Trust the process even though things may seem pretty drastic right now.
The Ten of Swords reversed suggests that you may have been over-dramatizing your predicament. In an attempt to get sympathy and understanding from others, you have begun to believe your own stories and excuses.
Ask yourself what you would do if there were no one around to sympathize with you. Would you be making a faster recovery? Consider the possibility that you are indulging in drama; take a more accurate look at your situation so that you can begin to heal.
Divinatory Meaning:
Authority, overseeing, vigilance, and espionage.
When the Page of Swords is in this position, the situation requires subtle change in order to obtain a positive outcome. This is a time when you must keep your own counsel, cover your tracks and stealthily accomplish what would be impossible to complete without privacy.
Reduce your profile and increase your anonymity, no matter how your self-image might suffer. Although it would be gratifying to accomplish what needs to be done and be seen, that cannot be a priority at present.
When the Page of Swords is reversed, it may be that one's critical tendencies are being swayed. Although you may declare a need to state the truth, a more primal urge will cause you to folly.
Analyze your possible prejudice, you don't want to be unfair. Don't take a stand against another until you have cleared any feelings of resentment or a punitive motive -- or else your attitude problem might undermine the truth of your message. Your best work is done when you are most objective. An urge to be overly discriminating destroys objectivity and can lead to conflict.
Divinatory Meaning:
Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, opposition, wrath, war, destruction, and resistance
The Knight of Swords in this position advises you to remain open to conflicting ideas instead of surrounding yourself exclusively with people who agree with you. Communicate successfully by keeping your conversations impersonal and humorous so no hurt feelings are provoked.
Practice your negotiation skills so you will be in shape for imminent diplomatic challenges as they arise. A sparring partner could help you learn to control impulsive comments and stem your urge to be right at the expense of others being wrong.
When the Knight of Swords is reversed, fear of conflict is so powerful that you will bargain away all that is meaningful just to get through a tough situation. You will say what you don't mean and make promises you can't keep, just to see yourself delivered from a stressful time.
When you learn to tell the simple truth from moment to moment, you will have no more use for this reactionary behavior that is invariably followed by shame and regret.
Divinatory Meaning:
Widowhood, sadness, embarrassment, sterility, mourning, and separation.
The Queen of Swords in this position advises that you refrain from remaining dependent on others at this time. Try not to place too much confidence in the promises of others.
The Queen of Swords advises that you not wait and see what others would think, say or do. Meditate on what you desire. Don't look for permission or even subject yourself to much influence. There are times in life when no one can take care of you as well as you can. Leave sentimentality behind and take action. Make important decisions for yourself because it's up to you. You are the final judge.
When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it indicates a propensity for denying your deepest feelings. Somewhere you decided that speaking up for the emotional truth is selfish and unattractive. As a result, you are prejudiced against your own needs.
It is not a flaw to have a heart; it is a flaw to ignore it. Show some compassion for yourself, and in so doing help your loved ones love you better. Don't isolate yourself. Have compassion for yourself. Serving your own feelings and needs is appropriate and necessary.
Divinatory Meaning:
judgment, command, authority, militant intelligence, and law
In this position, the King of Swords advises that you research your situation and in the process question existing authorities. It may be time to examine underlying assumptions and bring greater clarity to areas that have been left in the dark. Don't wait for others to do it. Instead, draw your own conclusions.
Spend time reviewing all the ramifications because this King of Swords requires a thorough, methodical examination of ideas and possibilities. Call forth the sober and wise part of yourself -- the elder father figure. Then act on the instructions given to you.
When the King of Swords is reversed, then your conscience may be getting muted. It may be that morality and integrity have been compromised.
Your inner Wise One must be awakened from that state of blinded self interest and get back to serving the greater good. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Think about what you can contribute, not what you are going to get. Filter the static from your thinking. Relinquish self-absorption and turn your attention to protecting the greater good.