Divinatory Meaning:
Gold, prosperity, pleasure, and beauty.
The Ace of Pentacles in this position advises that you apply nature's lesson of compound interest and develop your project gradually. A slow and steady buildup -- visible or invisible -- makes change and growth inevitable.
This card advises that if you work a little bit every day toward your long-term goal, at some time in the future you will discover that you have accumulated magnificent results. The secret of achieving success does not lie in inflating your dreams to grandiose levels; instead, it comes about by choosing your direction wisely, while humbly and faithfully taking one step at a time.
The Ace of Coins reversed suggests that you should reconnect with the values you are trying to serve. You have to distinguish between what is your truth and what perhaps is a mask.
Search your heart. If your motives aren't clear, your performance won't shine either.
Divinatory Meaning:
obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment. and indecision.
The Two of Pentacles in this position advises you not to choose anything definitive for the time being. Give yourself a little more time to sort out your feelings and any mixed messages you may be receiving from others.
Ask yourself -- are all the facts in yet? Or is the coin still flipping in the air? There is no need to be goaded into premature decisions or actions. Act only when you are able to do so with a unified heart and mind.
The Two of Pentacles reversed suggests that you let go of passivity if this is a time for action. You may be displaying too much ambivalence about outcomes, much to your detriment.
A neutral stance or procrastination will not serve you here. You must move into proactive support for the good of all concerned and leave passivity behind. At the very least, assert your personal preferences as a sign of respect for any others who also display the courage of their convictions.
Divinatory Meaning:
skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, recognition, and glory.
The Three of Pentacles in this position suggests that you showcase your unique capabilities. Let the world in on who you really are. This is a good time to seek recognition. Once you receive the appreciation you deserve, accept and savor the acknowledgment.
Expect new and exciting offers. When they arrive, accept them graciously. Why hide your light under a bushel? It does not become you to display false modesty. Practice saying to yourself, "Thank you, I accept the compliment" until you learn to fully let in this kind of affirmative grace with ease.
The Three of Pentacles reversed suggests that you beware of perfectionism and other subtle forms of egoism. This may be tied to a refusal to share one's gifts and vision with the world.
Perhaps you consider the world not worth it or are afraid that others simply won't care. This is really an indirect form of perfectionism and ultimately will come to harm you in the end. Remember that acts of genius belong more to the divine inspiration that evokes them, rather than they do to the personalities they come from.
Divinatory Meaning:
Success, Gifts, legacy, and inheritance
The Four of Pentacles in this position signifies a young person, naive and pampered, who has been left an estate. Think conscientiously about all those people whom your activities impact, including those whose work and effort went into building what you inherited and those whose welfare depends upon your right management.
What you have been given is abundant; still, it is not without limits. If you are prudent and responsible, the endowment will grow. However, if you are frivolous or foolish, your behavior could undermine both your inheritance and the well-being of others who are connected to it.
The Four of Pentacles reversed suggests that instead of looking for ways you can help, you may be allowing resentment to get in your way.
Instead of looking for how you can help, you may be worrying about how you are going to get paid back. Even if you have everything you need, you still feel impoverished. This attitude constricts the flow around you. This is not an insurmountable obstacle, but you have to work through this before you can make progress.
Divinatory Meaning:
Illness, poverty, and loneliness
The Five of Pentacles in this position advises you to create contractual agreements with those around you who have similar interests. In this kind of situation, there is strength in numbers. Put your heads together and devise a bold plan for future objectives and decide how to invest in their success. This Five of Pentacles recommends teamwork and planning. It warns you of the painful outcome of bad choices.
The Five of Pentacles reversed suggests that you should take a hard look at a situation and root out possible deceptions. Perhaps you are being deceived or you are the one deceiving others (or yourself).
There may be a part of you that's so eager to believe in fairy tales or rescue fantasies, that you would fail to check the fine print or a would-be savior's credentials. It's time to start asking the hard questions. If you can't bring yourself to do that, then you cannot succeed in this situation.
Divinatory Meaning:
Presents, gifts, gratification, and generosity.
The Six of Pentacles in this position asks you to think of yourself as a cosmic talent agent, seeking individuals who show a spark or gift. You may help them refine and upgrade their skills to fit a larger context. The outcome is a peer relationship with a sense of mutual regard and admiration.
This is a delicate operation. You have to constantly check your intentions so that you are not expecting something in return. Do not for a minute feel proud about doing someone a favor. In truth what you are doing is paying back an old debt to those who served as your mentors.
The Six of Pentacles reversed suggests that the idea of payback may have become too important to you. The reversal of this card points to someone who is too focused on the idea of getting something back.
You may have postured yourself to look generous, supportive, understanding, but in the fine print you have created so many binding conditions that there is no way anybody can take you up on the offer. Nobody is fooled by such conditional giving.
Divinatory Meaning:
Perseverance, investment, and patience.
The Seven of Coins in this position advises you to focus on the long run. Look beyond this week or this month. This card exemplifies the magic of compound interest. You'll have much better results with a slow and steady investment of time, energy, and labor than you would generate by trying to win the lottery.
The path to success is paved by perseverance. Glamorous or flashy moves cannot take the place of consistent steps in the right direction. If you do not understand this, perhaps you are moving in the wrong direction or are not motivated strongly enough.
The Seven of Coins reversed suggests that you may need a warning against doing something rash or taking a gamble. This card is traditionally associated with the idea of someone who is a gambler.
This is usually a person who has lost track of the rewards of productivity and self-discipline. Such a person may be willing to bet the farm on the roll of a dice, gambling not only their own well-being but also that of the people close to them. This card is a warning against doing something rash. It's not too late to reconsider your options.
Divinatory Meaning:
Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, and skill
The Eight of Pentacles in this position recommends that you focus on your main project and produce as much as you can while staying healthy. This is an important time for meeting goals. However, do not work so hard that quality suffers.
You are in a position where your effort can make a big difference. Apply yourself. Do the work and you will be rewarded with flexibility and freedom.
The Eight of Pentacles reversed asks that you not mistake your work for your identity. It is a common error to overly identify with one's livelihood.
This card reversed indicates that you are in danger of losing yourself to your work. This would be a big mistake. Refuse to accept such a limited definition of who you are.
Divinatory Meaning:
Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certainty, and discernment.
The Nine of Pentacles in this position suggests that you prepare yourself for greater resources to be flowing in your direction. If you pay attention -- and keep the faith -- you can make a smooth transition into a state of well-being and peace of mind. Hard work has brought you to a place where you could earn and receive grace, comfort, and freedom -- whether that be personal, emotional, or financial.
Exercise your imagination and create an abundant, sustainable, and enjoyable lifestyle (or relationship) for yourself. Acknowledge the friends and others who were loyal to you during the difficult times. Gather your dreams and get ready. You deserve this happiness.
The Nine of Pentacles reversed suggests a period of self-discipline is needed to restore your energy and vitality. You may be caught in a situation of dependency or overindulgence.
You may be getting a bit sloppy, not in full possession of all your energy and focus. The remedy is simplicity and self-discipline. You'll be much healthier -- and happier -- after you have straightened up your act.
Divinatory Meaning:
Prosperity and family.
The Ten of Pentacles in this position advises that you think of yourself as one who may be of great benefit to people. No matter whether it be a service, an invention, or an idea -- you know you are holding a storehouse of value. Your potential treasure is enough to take care of you and yours for a long time. Exactly how are you going to administer the rewards of your talent?
Recall the time when you began this current path or endeavor. Remember your sincerity, your innocence, and your original vision. Can you reproduce the success and sustain inspiration as the administrator of your present abundance? Think of every act of spending and investing and securing as the sowing of seed that will sprout and produce another money tree in somebody else's yard. How can you get really clever and inventive at throwing those seeds? This is your next assignment.
The Ten of Pentacles reversed suggests that having to make an entirely new start is sometimes a blessing. You may feel as if you have experienced a terrible loss or a fall from grace. This may be true, but both the having and the losing are part of the fluctuating evolution of human consciousness. Sometimes you just have to begin again.
Divinatory Meaning:
Scholoraship, inspiration, discipline and knowledge.
The Page of Pentacles in this position advises that you study your chosen field seriously, gaining intellectual knowledge plus whatever experiential learning you can pick up as well. Listen to the stories of others, both their successes and their failures, and let yourself be inspired by their dedicated efforts.
Leave no stone unturned. Passionately hunt for the missing pieces overlooked by those who came before you. Remember that the mind of a beginner is an open channel for genius. Let that openness lead you and you will instinctively penetrate to the heart of the matter.
The Page of Pentacles reversed suggests that you should not doubt or resist the impulse to be of service to others. Embrace the discipline that it takes and just do it.
You may feel like you are being coerced into it or that being in service is a role you don't want. Perhaps you have doubts about the outcome of what you are working towards. The reality is that you have to work to eat and you have to develop considerable skill in a profession before it can liberate you. Be disciplined -- harness your will as well as your talent.
Divinatory Meaning:
Utility, service, interest, and responsibility
When the Knight of Pentacles falls in this position you are being advised to offer up your services to some project or enterprise in front of you. Your willing participation can make the difference between a marginal performance and a great one.
The entire endeavor will be enhanced significantly by the resources you bring to it and you will be blessed tenfold. Expect to supervise and guide the project as well as influence the outcome of events. Without you on board, this endeavor may not reach its full potential.
The Knight of Pentacles reversed suggests that you should stop wasting energy on people who can't appreciate you.
Cease wasting your blood, sweat and tears on enterprises dominated by people who can't appreciate you. In this instance, you would benefit the whole situation by moving on, instead of being so loyal and true.
Divinatory Meaning:
Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, and liberty.
The Queen of Pentacles in this position advises you to trust the forces that have taken care of you up to this point. Continue to express your truth without worrying that you are going to lose the roof over your head or the bed you sleep in. It is your destiny to be safe and sound at this time in your life.
Proceed with confidence and do what you so strongly feel must be done. Since the Queen of Coins is often the person with the best intuition in the crowd, you may feel at first as if you are going against the grain, only to later find yourself becoming the leader of a new trend.
The Queen of Pentacles reversed suggests that you should make an objective assessment of the way you manage your life and identify areas that can be improved. This may be a warning against becoming addicted to whatever pleasure has you in its sway.
It's important to review the ways you have been spending your time, money, and energy and ask yourself "Is my life balanced? Is there someway I could manage my life better?"
Divinatory Meaning:
Valor, intelligence, good business sense, and an aptitude for math.
The King of Pentacles in this position advises you to behave as if you already were a success. Project confidence that your plans and goals are in the process of unfolding perfectly.
Make your moves with authority and trust in your actions without waiting for acknowledgment or approval. Soon enough you will receive blessing after blessing. If you can learn to feel that kind of confidence in your body and get comfortable with it as your natural state, you will attract the support you desire.
The King of Pentacles reversed suggests that you should shift your focus from control to self-discipline. This may be indicating an insatiable craving that reality on the physical plane cannot satisfy.
Such a situation calls for self-discipline; otherwise you will slide into self-doubt and the misuse of your abilities. A true master, a true king, outgrows the need to demonstrate their power unless it is truly needed for the good of the realm. A misuse of power can have disastrous consequences. There is more to life than control or ownership.